04 Jun Surveyors Historical Society – Surveyors Rendezvous update
Update: 2020 Surveyors Rendezvous cancelled. Many of us look forward all year to Surveyors Rendezvous: visiting new places, learning new and interesting things about surveying and most of all, for me at least, seeing old friends and meeting new ones. However, the safety and well-being of our members is more important than the chance to get together. At our May meeting, the SHS Board of Directors unanimously voted to cancel the event for 2020. The only question was whether the hotel would hold us to our contract (and resulting penalties) or allow us to reschedule. SHS Paula Hammer was able to negotiate with the hotel, and I am pleased to announce that the Perrysburg Ohio Rendezvous has been postponed rather than cancelled. Mark your calendars for September 22-25, 2021. I hope to have the same format and speakers as previously announced, but as with everything lately there may be some changes. What won’t change is the great people who come to Rendezvous! We’ll keep you posted. See you all in Perrysburg next year. Ann Besch Rendezvous Chair Editor’s Note: If you are not a member of the Surveyors Historical Society, check out this great organization: http://www.surveyorshistoricalsociety.com/...