Announcements & News

20 Feb MARLS Conference February 23 – 25, 2022 Information

Hello MARLS Conference attendees, speakers, exhibitors and guests, We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference. Click on the MARLS Conference schedule below to preview the schedule. Click on the Conference Speaker Bio's and Synopsis of each session being presented below. We have multi sessions going on throughout the conference so take time to review all your choices of attending the sessions. 2022 MARLS Conference Schedule 2022 Conference Speaker Bio's and Synopsis'...

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14 Jan For Sale – Oak stamping block/anvil for Aluminum Survey Cap

Oak stamping block/anvil for Aluminum Survey Cap Oak Stamping Blocks info The oak block is designed to accept aluminum survey caps having a nominal stem diameter of 1-1/4” or less and the cap may be inserted from either side of the block.   Caps having a top diameter of 2-1/2” or less may be stamped at any point on the cap and it will be supported.  For caps having a top diameter larger than 2-1/2”, it is recommended the stamping take place only where the cap is supported by the block. The block has a single coat of tung oil finish to help preserve the wood and should last for years.  Paste wax or tung oil applied to each end of the block each spring (at least once a year) will help preserve the block for a longer time.  After time the surface of the block may become splintered from constant impacts, when this happens either replace the block or sand it down to remove the splinters.  The oak splinters will pierce the hand easily if care is not taken. Blocks may be ordered at [email protected], larger size blocks are available and a price will be quoted at the time of the order.  The quoted price of each block purchased will be billed to you and paid directly to MARLS and the funds will go to either the Scholarship Fund or the Aid Fund, your choice.  All blocks will be delivered in February at the MARLS Conference. Rich Jensen, PLS Single block:    $25.00 each 3 or more blocks: $20.00 each...

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30 Jul NOTICE: NGS Terminating CORS FTP Service on August 16, 2021

NOTICE: NGS Terminating CORS FTP Service on August 16, 2021 Update from Brian Shaw, NGS Regional Director NGS FTP is going away and this was were many users and vendors went to download CORS data. I also wanted to share the location for the archived datasheet shape files.  Currently we have two versions of the shape files the production and the beta where the beta have significantly more attributes from the text datasheet.   The beta shape files will be moving to production in the upcoming month or two.  Here are the locations for these archives that have also been migrated off the FTP: Production Datasheet shape files Beta Datasheet shape files. FTP (file transfer protocol), which is used by our users for downloading important datasets such as CORS data, is being deprecated globally across NGS. FTP is no longer going to be supported by Chrome and other browsers, and this decision to deprecate FTP will maintain security of our data and services. The impact to most NGS users is expected to be minimal, and datasets currently available on FTP have been transitioned to HTTPS. Decommissioning NOAA CORS Network (NCN) FTP service on August 16, 2021 Be advised that beginning on August 16, 2021 any FTP attempts made to NGS CORS will fail. Please visit the NCN Data & Products page for details and examples: All users must begin using these NCN https services: (recommended for automation) Finally, NGS recognizes some users may have hard-coded links to FTP for harvesting data from the NCN, so changes to software may be required. If you have questions about any vendor-supported software, we recommend you contact your vendor directly. For all other questions, feel free to contact the CORS team at [email protected]....

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11 Apr 2021 7 States Virtual Conference Recordings Information

Thank you to all those that participated in the Western Regional Virtual Survey Conference!  The Conference was a great success with over 1,100 attendees from 33 different states in attendance! MARLS had over 150 registrants and we thank you for your support of the virtual conference. Recordings Recordings are now available. The recordings are available for conference attendees through August 31st. To access the recordings, log into the conference app and click on agenda. Conference App Instructions Click the link below to access the Conference App We are not able to provide continuing education certificates for the recordings you watch. If you plan to track and report the recordings for renewal of your license (for other states), we recommend that you take a screen shot of the video and save, along with any handouts, as backup in case of audit. Continuing Education Certificates Continuing education certificates are being mailed the week of April 12th. Questions? (888) 994-3510 [email protected]  ...

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05 Dec Fundamentals of Surveying: Exam Study Manual for sale

To Whom It May Concern, I write today to promote my newly released study manual entitled “Fundamentals of Surveying: Exam Study Manual”. I was hoping to promote the text to all up and coming surveyors in your region focusing on obtaining their Land Surveyor Intern/In Training (LSI/LSIT) licensure. I routinely lead a study group dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of surveying to those putting forth the effort to pass the NCEES Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) examination. As a result, I have compiled my course material into a concise and organized manual aimed to be an excellent reference guide for the recommended topics. The manual is a proven and suggested personal library addition. Flyer for Fundamentals of Surveying Manual Priced at $39.99 and is now available to order at: [email protected] Dane Courville  ...

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