05 Dec Fundamentals of Surveying: Exam Study Manual for sale
To Whom It May Concern, I write today to promote my newly released study manual entitled “Fundamentals of Surveying: Exam Study Manual”. I was hoping to promote the text to all up and coming surveyors in your region focusing on obtaining their Land Surveyor Intern/In Training (LSI/LSIT) licensure. I routinely lead a study group dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of surveying to those putting forth the effort to pass the NCEES Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) examination. As a result, I have compiled my course material into a concise and organized manual aimed to be an excellent reference guide for the recommended topics. The manual is a proven and suggested personal library addition. Flyer for Fundamentals of Surveying Manual Priced at $39.99 and is now available to order at: [email protected] Dane Courville ...